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Discover Cryptocurrency with George Asibal

Explore a career in cryptocurrency through our Real-World Discovery session with George Asibal, the founder and CEO of ZFT Corporation and The Trading Republic. Learn all about crypto trading basics, market trends analysis, and risk management strategies.

Session highlights: 

  • 0:14: About OWN Academy
  • 1:15: About our expert George Asibal
  • 2:01: Session overview 
  • 2:51: Our expert’s career journey
  • 14:04: An intro to our expert’s crypto masterclass 
  • 15:27: Why it’s important to understand trends
  • 16:33: What is the 100 moving average
  • 20:20: Real-world application of the 100 moving average 
  • 48:40: What to keep in mind if you want to pursue a crypto career 
  • 51:29: How to start crypto trading 
  • 53:07: How to reframe mistakes as opportunities to learn 
  • 55:37: Why defining success in your own terms is crucial 

For more career insights from different industry experts, sign up for our next Real-World Discovery sessions!