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What My Career Is Like in Big Tech feat. Lianne Dehaye

Explore a career in the tech industry through our Real-World Discovery session with Lianne Dehaye, our industry expert who has worked for Meta, Google, and IBM. She has extensive experience in supervising high-performing corporate teams, implementing innovation projects, and driving operational excellence through data analytics.

Learn what it takes to break into big tech even without a tech background, how to establish yourself and evolve with the industry, and how to develop core competencies to thrive in this field.

Session highlights:

  • 0:09: About OWN Academy 
  • 0:48: About our expert Lianne Dehaye
  • 6:41: Our expert’s four roles at Meta
  • 10:25: Key qualities in the tech industry
  • 12:13: How to deal with challenges in the tech industry 
  • 15:45: Why openness and kindness matter 
  • 20:59: How people with a non-technical background can enter and thrive in the tech industry
  • 25:50: Problem solving in product improvements 
  • 28:12: What role AI plays in the tech industry 
  • 31:54: How to build and maintain professional relationships 
  • 39:25: How to handle constructive feedback
  • 42:29: How to establish yourself as a reliable and trustworthy worker
  • 43:48: Advice for young people who want to pursue a career in tech 

For more career insights from different industry experts, sign up for our next Real-World Discovery sessions!