Get insights on the future of work to help you better understand and support your child.

Insights on career direction and motivation
80% of Hong Kong secondary students are unsure about their career path and uncertain about what to pursue in the future, according to a 2024 study. This highlights the importance of helping young minds explore career possibilities, so they can gain confidence, direction, and purpose.

How young people approach decision-making
69% of US high school students wished their schools offered more career-focused programs before graduation, according to a 2021 study. Less than 30% said they had access to such programs. This indicates that students want to explore future pathways — if only they have the opportunity to do so.

The next generation’s search for purpose
Gen Z is the first generation to value purpose over money and 75% believe that work should have a greater meaning than just making a living, according to a 2020 report. Each person’s journey is unique, but exploring future possibilities is the first step to developing their own purpose.
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